xUML-RT Model Executor v0.5.0 (2015-07-31)
New features
- Association classes are supported. Association classes can have attributes, operations, associations, etc. like any other class.
- Inheritance
- Classes can inherit from other classes
- Support for multiple inheritance
- No self-inheritance, multiple inheritance from the same class, or loops in the inheritance graph
- Attributes, operations, receptions, associations and state machines are inherited<
- If more than one ancestors of a class define state machines, it should also define a state machine (cannot choose which to inherit)
- Operations can override other operations
- Only instance-level operations can be overridden
- Indirect overriding is supported (g overrides f, h overrides g)
- For a given inherited method in a given class there must be only one (indirect) overrider that is not overridden
Installation instructions
Eclipse interface
Command line interface