xUML-RT Model Executor v0.1.0 (2015-03-31)
This version handles simplistic EMF-UML2 models with a single class including a single flat state machine. The class can have operations without parameters containing Alf code that sends signals to this. The executor can be used from Eclipse and from the command line.
Installation instructions
Eclipse interface
- Supported Eclipse version is 4.4 (Luna).
- Use the following update site from Eclipse: http://modelexecution.eltesoft.hu/update/20150331/
- Note: If you have IncQuery or XText installed, please make sure that IncQuery version is smaller than 0.9.0 and XText version is smaller than 2.7.0. Model executor currently uses earlier versions and the Elipse installation procedure cannot downgrade and will fail. If you do not have these software components, the correct versions will be installed automatically as part of the installation process.
Command line interface
Using the xUML-RT Model Executor
Eclipse interface
- Make sure that you have JRE 1.8 configured in Eclipse.
- Create a new project of type xUML-RT Project. (This can be found in the Papyrus category if Papyrus is installed and in the Other category otherwise.)
- Add a new EMF-UML2 model (or copy an existing one) to the project. Note that the current version supports simple models like these.
Note: It is advised to use only one model in the project.
- Create a new run configuration of type xUML-RT Executor. Select the model, the class and the entry operation. Enable logging and disable tracing on the Tracing and Logging tab.
- Run (and not debug) the newly created launch configuration and see the console log.
Command line interface
- Ask for all supported options:
java -jar xumlrt-executor-cli.jar --help
- Setup a model for execution:
java -jar xumlrt-executor-cli.jar --root gen --setup model.uml
Note: Use java from a JDK in order to ensure successful compilation of the generated Java files.
- Execute the model:
java -jar xumlrt-executor-cli.jar --root gen --execute ClassName opName --logger minimal